
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Eating Out: Boba House

In Greensboro, N. Carolina there's this great little vegetarian restaurant called Boba House, whose food is heavily Asian-influenced. Unfortunately, they don't have pictures on their website of all the dishes they offer. (Or they didn't all the times I've looked.) I shall remedy this, at least in part!

The Boba "Mixed Bowl": vermicelli noodles with shredded veg + cukes + chopped up crispy rolls. Pretty sure it had an accompanying sauce, and it was thankfully light on my (then) burdened stomach.

The "Basil Lovers," featuring Thai sweet basil and this excellent, multi-layered balance of flavors. My omnivore friend positively fell in love with it and (jokingly) demanded that I bring her some the next time I was traveling her way. I quite seriously did that for her, because depriving people of their food fantasies is cruel punishment.

I also once stopped in on short notice, on the way to this really good lecture about modernity and dadaism and etc., having a grilled "chicken" sandwich there that came with quite yummy sweet potato fries. But, alas, I didn't take a picture, what with having no camera as well as being young and stupid and whatnot.

At any rate, this is the first place I tried lemongrass as a flavor...I was smitten. Below, their lemongrass "chicken" with accompanying sides:

Here is an closeup of their mock meat "chicken," but they also make "beef" and "seafood" (neither of which I have yet to sample because I don't eat out very often).

For dessert I have only had their carrot cake. This is what I wrote about it in a yesteryear: "It was very sweet, with its whiff of cinnamon and all, but it could have benefited from a stiffer crumb. Aside from being overly moist, the cream in the middle was all kinds of yummy and the chocolate sauce [underneath] was great."